University Registrar < Case Western Reserve University (2024)

Phone: 216.368.4310; Fax: 216.368.8711
Amy Hammett, University Registrar and Director of Student Information Systems and Services

  • Registration
  • Courses of Instruction
  • Veterans Education Benefits
  • Exceptions to Policies
  • Course Audit Program for Senior Citizens
  • University Certificates and Professional Certifications


Students register at the time indicatedby the University Registrar, as shown in the Student Information System (SIS) or as indicated by individual graduate/professional schools. Undergraduate student registration for fall begins in April and continues through the beginning of classes in August; undergraduate student registration for spring begins in November and continues through the start of classes in January. Students who have outstanding financial obligations to the university will not be eligible to register. The Office of Student Financial Services will bill those students who have registered for the next semester. The tuition payment will be due in full by the last day of the drop/add period. The schedule of classesis available electronically and can be accessedthroughSIS.

The University Registrar's website includes the academic calendarand the dates for late registration and drop/add. SIScontains a complete real-time listing of courses offered. Students use SIS to register for classes; refer to thelisting of registration start dates for each schoolto determine registration eligibility. No zero-credit only registrations (e.g., zero-credit physical education courses) are allowed unless approved as part of ongoing degree programs.

Registration deadlines will be strictly enforced. Only students officially registered, according to the official SIS class roster, are permitted to attend that class. Instructors may permit students to sit in on occasional classes at their discretion, but students who wish to attend class regularly without receiving credit should register as auditors. Unregistered students are not permitted to take part in laboratory activities.

Courses of Instruction

All courses at the university, except courses in the School of Medicine, School of Law, and School of Dental Medicine are numbered according to the following plan:

  • 100-199 Elementary courses
  • 200-299 Intermediate courses
  • 300-399 Advanced undergraduate courses
  • 400-499 Lower level graduate courses (some are open to undergraduates; consult with the appropriate department)
  • 500 and above Advanced graduate courses

Roman numerals (I, II, etc.) after course titles indicate segments of a multi-course sequence. Arabic numerals in parentheses after course titles indicate the semester credit hours for each course.

Veterans Education Benefits

School Certifying Official

The School Certifying Official, housed in the Office of the University Registrar, administers the regulations governing the educational benefits and opportunities open to veterans under various federal laws. For more information see our Veterans Education Benefits page, call 216.368.4310 or email

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act

On December 31, 2018, the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 was signed into law and provides additional assistance for students using Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Chapter 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31) benefit entitlements.

Case Western Reserve University permits any covered individual utilizing Chapter 33 or Chapter 31 to attend or participate in their course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for entitlement to educational assistance and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  • The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution;
  • 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE.

While payment is pending to the institution from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Case Western Reserve University shall not prevent enrollment; impose a penalty or assess a late fee; require that a covered individual secure additional or alternative funding in order to meet their financial obligation to the institution due to delayed disbursem*nt funding from the VA; or deny access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities.

Exceptions to Policies

Requests for exceptions to any academic or administrative policy must be submitted within three months of the end of the semester for which the exception is sought.

Course Audit Program for Senior Citizens

Case Western Reserve University's Course Audit Program for Senior Citizens (CAPSC)allows senior citizens (age 65 and older) to take on-campus courses at a reduced tuition rate. For more information, contact the CAPSC Coordinator in the Laura and Alvin Siegal Lifelong Learning

University Certificates and Professional Certifications

Case Western Reserve University awards University Certificates as a credential for completing a set of courses (possibly in combination with other learning experiences) that focus on a specific topic or theme. For more information related to definitions and standards, please seeGuidelines to Create a University Certificate and Professional Certification.

  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
  • Student Right to Know

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) contains several provisions that are important to students. First, the university may not release personally identifiable student records to a third party, with certain specific exceptions, unless the third party has requested the information in writing and the student has consented, again in writing, to its release. The university may release directory information about a student, however, unless the student submits a written request that any or all such information not be released. Second, a student may request, in writing, an opportunity to inspect and review the student’s official files and records maintained by the university and may, if appropriate, challenge the accuracy of those records. The university is permitted a reasonable time, not to exceed 45 days, to respond to such a request. Third, a student may file with the Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning what they believe to be the university’s failure to comply with FERPA. Finally, a student may obtain from the Registrar a copy of this policy, which the university has adopted to meet the requirements of FERPA. The information below is presented in compliance with the provisions of FERPA, which require the university to notify students annually of their rights and the university’s policies and procedures. Specific procedures may vary slightly among the schools and colleges of the university, and each student is encouraged to inquire at their own dean’s office if any question arises.


Educational records -Education Recordsare thoserecords, files, documents, and other materials which (i) contain information directly related to astudent; and (ii) are maintained by aneducationalagency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution.

Access to Files

A student may request, in writing, an opportunity to review the contents of the student’s educational file. Certain materials are excluded from review as specified in FERPA. Among these are:

  • Records kept in the sole possession of faculty, staff, and other personnel, used only as a personal memory aid, and not accessible to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record.
  • Records created and maintained by law enforcement units solely for law enforcement purposes that are not maintained by persons other than law enforcement officials.
  • Records created and maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other professional or paraprofessional acting in that capacity in connection with the provision of treatment to a student. Such records can, of course, be reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student’s choice.
  • Employment records of a student made and maintained in the normal course of business. Such employment records may be obtained in the Student Employment Office or Human Resources under the policies applicable to those offices.
  • Financial records of a student’s parents, or any information contained therein.
  • Confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in the file before January 1, 1975.
  • Records for which the student previously waived their right of access.
  • Records that contain only information about a person after that person is no longer a student, such as alumni records.

Procedures for Inspection and Review

The office to which the request is made will arrange an appointment within a reasonable period of time (not to exceed 45 days) for the student to review the file in the presence of a member of the office staff.

FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. Students may ask the university to amend a record that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. The student should write to the university official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the university decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the university will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

The student may request copies of those records to which they have access under the terms of FERPA. The student will be charged a nominal fee per page for these copies.

Release of Personally Identifiable Records

FERPA affords the student the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is defined as a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or assisting another school official in performing their tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility.

Upon request, the university may disclose education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. The university may also disclose education records to organizations conducting studies for educational agencies or institutions under certain circ*mstances.

Directory Information

For the convenience of faculty and fellow students, FERPA provides for a category known as directory information which may be released without requesting the eligible student’s specific prior consent. Rather, the act requires that students be notified annually of the types of information included in this category and be given an appropriate period in which to express, in writing, any preference that such information about themselves not be released. For this purpose, directory information is defined to include:

  • Name (including both maiden name and married name, where applicable)
  • Address, telephone listing, and electronic mail address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Major field of study
  • Anticipated graduation date
  • Enrollment Status (undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time)
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities
  • Weight and height (members of athletic team)

Any student who would prefer that the university not release such information about themselves can update their FERPA Restriction by going to the Student Information System (SIS). For more information on how to update a FERPA Restriction, please visit the Office of the University Registrar's SIS Resources webpage -FERPA/Directory Restrictions.

Student Right to Know

TheStudentRighttoKnowand the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires that universities throughout the country produce statistics and/or important data, such as retention and graduation rates; financial assistance; athletic program participation rates and financial support; cost of attendance; accreditation and academic program data; services and accommodations for students with disabilities; withdrawal and refund policies; and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Policy (FERPA). Printed reports are available on request.

  1. Retention and Graduation Rates:Undergraduate data is available on the websites of theUniversity RegistrarandInstitutional Research. Graduate data isavailable in Tableau.
  2. Financial Assistance:Obtain financial assistance information, including descriptions of application procedures and forms and refund policies, from theOffice of University Financial Aid (216.368.4530).
  3. Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support:The Department of Physical Education and Athletics in the Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center (216.368.2867) can provide further information, or search for CWRU's information on theU.S. Office of Postsecondary Education's Equity in Athletics website.
  4. Other Institutional Information:Follow the links below, or contact the University Financial Aid, Provost, Student Affairs and University Registrar offices for more details. Additional consumer disclosures are available through theStudent Consumer Information webpageand theOffice of Institutional Research.
    • Undergraduate Cost of Attendance,
    • Graduate Cost of Attendance,
    • Accreditation and Academic Program Data,
    • Policy Prohibiting High-Pressure Recruitment Processes,
    • Policy for Students Returning from Active-Duty Military Service,
    • Services and Reasonable Accommodations Available to Students with Disabilities, and
    • Withdrawal and Refund Policies.
  5. State Authorization and Compliance:Information about the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, state-by-state contact directories, and additional information concerning professional licensure is available via the university’sState Authorization and Compliance webpage.
  6. Drug-Free Schools Notification:In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and CommunitiesActAmendments of 1989, this notification to Case Western Reserve University students is an annual reminder of the health risks associated with drug and alcohol abuse; of university policies related to the illegal possession, use or distribution of drugs or alcohol; of the availability of treatment for drug or alcohol problems throughUniversity Health and Counseling Services, and of the internal sanctions and federal, state and local penalties that may result from the illegal sale, possession, consumption, use or distribution of drugs or alcohol. Find more information onthe Student Affairs website.
  7. The Family Educational Rights and PrivacyAct(FERPA):Find the policy onthe registrar’s website.
  8. Annual Security and Fire Report:Case Western Reserve University's annual security and fire report is updated annually and is available onthe Public Safety website. A full print copy of the report isavailable for download (PDF)or can be obtained by The report includes:
    • Statistics for the previous three years concerning certain categories of reported crimes—including hate crimes in certain categories, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking—that occurred on campus, in off-campus buildings or properties owned or controlled by the university, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus.
    • Summaries of institutional policies and education and prevention programs regarding safety and security, reporting of crimes, sexual misconduct, drug and alcohol use, timely warnings and missing persons investigations. The university maintains a daily crime log that can be accessed onpublic safety'sCleryActwebpage.
    • Information on emergency notification, emergency response, and evacuation procedures. Emergency procedures for students, faculty, staff, and visitors can be reviewed on theEmergency Management page.
    • Fire statistics for on-campus housing, summaries of fire policies and evacuation procedures. The university maintains a fire log for all fires that occur in on-campus housing.
  9. Emergency Reporting:Any emergency on campus should be reported to CWRU Division of Public Safety at 216.368.3333. This number is staffed 24 hours a day.

Quick Links

  • Grading System
  • School of Medicine Grading System
  • Explanation of Grades
  • Incomplete (I)
  • Satisfactory (S)
  • Conditional (R)
  • Audit (AD) and Unsuccessful Audit (NG)
  • Partial Withdrawal (W)
  • Complete Withdrawal (WD)
  • Grade Point Averages
  • Pass-No Pass
  • Definition of a Credit-Hour

Grading System

The grading system shown below is used at Case Western Reserve University. For a listing of historical grading systems, visit Grading + Transcript Keys.

Grading Extra
Letter GradeMeaningQuality PointsNotes
A+4.333College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
A-3.666Schools of Applied Social Sciences, Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
B+3.333Schools of Applied Social Sciences, Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
B-2.666Schools of Applied Social Sciences, Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
C+2.333Schools of Applied Social Sciences, Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
C-1.666Schools of Applied Social Sciences, Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
D+1.333Schools of Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
DPassing1.000Not applicable for Schools of Applied Social Sciences, Nursing
D-0.666Schools of Dental Medicine, Law, and College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) only*
ADSuccessful auditn/aIncluded in hours attempted, but not in hours earned or GPA
APAdvanced placementn/aTest credit or transfer credit only
ASAdvanced subsidiaryn/aTest credit or transfer credit only
CCDCommendable with clinical distinctionn/aSchool of Medicine only
COMCommendablen/aSchool of Medicine only
CREarns credit, credit/no credit coursen/a
HHonorsn/a Schools of Law (L.L.M.) and Medicine only
IBInternational baccalaureaten/aTest credit or transfer credit only
INPermanent Incompleten/aSchool of Graduate Studies only
IPIn Progress or extends > one termn/aSchool of Medicine only
MMeets or exceeds expectationsn/aSchool of Medicine only
NCNo credit, credit/no credit coursen/aSchool of Law only
NGUnsuccessful auditn/aIncluded in hours attempted, but not in hours earned or GPA
NOGNon-graded coursen/a
NPNo passn/a
RIn progress or extends > one termn/a
SSatisfactoryn/a Master’s/doctoral theses, Schools of Law, Medicine, School of Dental Medicine (M.S.D.) only
SASpecial audit or alumni/senior auditn/aIncluded in hours attempted, but not in hours earned or GPA
TRTransfern/aTest credit or transfer credit only
UUnsatisfactoryn/aMaster’s/doctoral theses, Schools of Law, Medicine, School of Dental Medicine (M.S.D.) only
WWithdrawal from a classn/a
WDWithdrawal from all classesn/a
WFWithdrawn under Acad Regs 5 & 6n/aSchool of Law only

For a list of programs participating in the College of Arts and Sciences (Graduate) plus/minus grading, please visit College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Graduate Plus-Minus Grading.

School of Medicine Grading System

University Program: Preclinical courses are graded P, NP, M or U through June 2009; from July 2009 - June 2021, graded AE or U; July 2021, M replaces AE. Core clerkships and clinical electives are graded H, COM, S, AE or U until June 2021; beginning July 2021, M replaces AE and CCD is added to clerkship grades.

College Program (Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine): All courses are graded M or U through June 2009. Beginning July 2009 all courses are graded AE or U. Beginning July 2021, all courses are graded M or U. Competencies are used to assess performance. See CCLCM competencies for further description.

Physician Assistant Program: Non-clinical courses are letter graded. Clinical courses are graded H, COM, S or U.

Note: Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is not applicable to the Doctor of Medicine Program.

Explanation of Grades

The responsibility for assigning grades rests exclusively with the instructor of a course or section, who must communicate the general method of grading to his/her class at the beginning of the course. Final grades in all courses are reported to the University Registrar at the end of each semester for all students and mid-semester grades are reported to the University Registrar for undergraduate students. The purpose of mid-semester grades is advisory; the grades are not part of a student's official academic record or transcript. Changes to student grades must be reported to the University Registrar and must have all required approvals.

Incomplete (I)

The grade of Incomplete is assigned by the instructor according to academic regulations that are established by each school. For additional information regarding incomplete grades, please see individual school information on grading and academic regulations.

Satisfactory (S)

The grade of S given graduate students in the School of Graduate Studies indicates satisfactory progress in evaluating exclusively thesis and dissertation research. The grade S is not counted in determining quality averages. The alternative to a grade of S is U (Unsatisfactory). The grade of I (Incomplete) may not be used in evaluating thesis and dissertation research. In other graduate/professional schools, the grade of S may indicate passing performance in designated courses and advanced seminars.

Conditional (R)

The grade of R is used for work, such as undergraduate thesis and project laboratories, that extends more than one semester and, upon completion of the thesis or project, will be changed to the letter grade awarded for the completed work.

Audit (AD) and Unsuccessful Audit (NG)

The grade of AD (audit) will be given when a student has officially registered to audit a course and has satisfied the requirements specified by the instructor for this grade. The grade of NG (unsuccessful audit, graduate, and professional schools only) will be given when a student has officially registered to audit a course and has not satisfied the requirements specified by the instructor.

Undergraduate Students

A student may audit a course with the dean's or advisor's approval and the consent of the instructor of the course. An auditor receives no credit for the course.

Registration in a course cannot be changed from audit to credit or the reverse after the end of the drop/add period. At the beginning of the course, the student and instructor should reach an agreement regarding the requirements to be met for a grade of AD. The grade of AD is entered on the student's transcript if approved by the instructor of the course. If the instructor does not approve the grade AD, the enrollment is not posted on the transcript. A student may take for credit a course he or she audited in an earlier semester.

Graduate/Professional Students

Dental students: Courses toward degree programs in the School of Dental Medicine may not be audited.

The following statements apply to the Schools of Graduate Studies and Weatherhead School of Management: The instructor may designate that the student has not completed all requirements for auditing the course and that NG (Unsuccessful Audit) be recorded on the student's transcript. A course once audited may not be repeated for credit, nor may any course for which credit has been given be repeated for credit toward degree requirements. Students will be permitted to change their registration in a course from credit to audit (AD), or the reverse, with the written consent of their advisor and the instructor only if the change is officially made on or before the date specified in the academic calendar for the given term.

Other graduate and professional schools: Please refer to individual school sections of this publication, or to individual school student handbooks.

Partial Withdrawal (W)

The grade of W will be given if a student officially withdraws from a course on or before the date specified in the academic calendar for the given term. After this date, the grade as determined by the instructor will be posted.

Complete Withdrawal (WD)

The grade WD is assigned by the University Registrar for complete withdrawal from all coursework for the semester. All withdrawal requests are to be submitted to the University Registrar prior to the last day of class.

Grade Point Averages

Grade-point averages are calculated by multiplying the number equivalent of the letter grade by the number of credit hours for the course. The semester grade-point average is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned at the university during a given semester by the sum of the credit hours for all courses in which the student received letter grades of A, B, C, D, or F taken at the university during that same semester. (Not all of these grades are given by all schools.)

For the purpose of semester grade calculations, grade points earned when a grade of Incomplete is replaced by the appropriate course grade are credited to the semester in which the incomplete grade was received, but status action (separation, probation, or restoration to good standing) taken at the end of that semester is not affected unless the grade change occurs by the first day of classes of the following semester. Qualification for honors is based on the same terms.

The cumulative grade-point average is computed by dividing the total grade points earned at the university by the sum of the credit hours for all courses included in the grade-point calculation.

Pass-No Pass

See specific colleges and schools for information about courses that may be taken on a pass-no pass basis and similar options.

Definition of a Credit-Hour

Program Integrity Rules issued by the U.S. Department of Education require institutions to establish a definition of "credit hour"CWRU's definition was approvedby the Faculty Senate on 4/25/12 and applies to all degree programs (undergraduate through graduate/professional):

  1. The assignment of credit-hours to a course occurs through a formal review process conducted at the appropriate levels of faculty governance.

  2. For courses in lecture format, one credit-hour represents the subject content that can be delivered in one academic hour of contact time each week for the full duration of one academic semester, typically fourteen weeks along with a final examination period. For undergraduate courses, one credit-hour also includes associated work that can be completed by a typical student in 2-3 hours of effort outside the classroom. For graduate and professional courses taught in lecture format, 3-4 hours of outside work is expected for each academic hour of contact time.

  3. For courses taught in other than lecture format (e.g., seminars, laboratories, independent study, clinical work, research, etc.), one credit-hour represents an amount of content and/or student effort that in aggregate is no less than that described in (2) above.

University Registrar < Case Western Reserve University (2024)
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