Shoes For Arthritis | Wide Fitting Shoes | Wide Fit Shoes (2024)


What is Arthritis?

While there are many different forms of arthritis, it is commonly known as a disease that affects the joints. The cartilage, which is the flexible connective tissue in your bones helping smooth movement, degenerates and friction develops among your bones, rubbing them together. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children are affected by some arthritis, but the disease typically affects adults, mostly women, and symptoms increase as people get older, usually above the age of 65. Common symptoms include swelling, joint pain, stiffness, and an inability to perform basic tasks due to restricted movement and inflammation. Although the disorder attacks joints, in many cases it can also affect your organs and skin. Degeneration can be visible in the form of knobby, deformed and swollen joints.

Types of Arthritis

Osteoarthritisis the most common types of arthritis, in which the cartilage rubs away and the tissue connecting your bones and providing a smooth glide of motion between the joints destructs. Cartilage does not regenerate itself. A joint replacement must be done unless some of these treatments offer comfort; assistive devices, hot and cold therapies, balanced rest with regular physical activity for strengthening the muscles around the joints, or anti-inflammatory and pain medication.

Inflammatory Arthritis such asRheumatoidandpsoriaticarthritis, are autoimmune diseases in which the immune system starts attacking the joints instead of protecting them, causing inflammation, often affecting other organs such as the eyes. Aggressive treatment must be performed quickly.

Ininfectiousarthritis, a bacterium or fungal infection or virus attacks the joints, triggering inflammation in the cartilage. Chronic pain is a common symptom, but a quick treatment of antibiotics may fix the infection.

Metabolicarthritis develops in people who produce higher levels of uric acid than normal, and it attacks the joints, causing extreme joint pain. Gout is one example.

Early signs

Being a progressive disease, your condition tends to get worse with time. You may want to schedule an appointment with your doctor (preferably a rheumatologist) to start early treatment if you notice;

v Severe or chronic joint pain, known as arthralgia

v Swelling around the joints

v Pain in weight-bearing joints such as the knees or hips, as well as fingers or toes (in OA). This arthritis often occurs genetically.

v Stiffness and restriction in movements

v Soreness in the morning

v Shortness in breath, fever or pain in the chest (in RA)

v Rashes in the fingers changed colour in nails or redness of eyes (in PA)

v Intense pain in one joint, such as the big toe (in Gout)

Shoes for Arthritis

Orthopedic Shoes

All 52 bones, 66 joints and hundreds of muscles in your feet require you to find the perfect comfortable fit shoe for them. This requirement is crucial in arthritic patients. Alongside proper treatment, therapy and medication for your joints, it's also necessary to provide extreme comfort to your feet. Associate professor of medicine at Harvard, Marian Hannan, says “people should start thinking of their shoes as a factor they can modify to help minimise pain and maximise their ability to get out and do things."

Since the feet support all your weight most of the time, it is imperative to pay attention to those joints. Arthritis ridden feet can end up increasing your pain and even causing long-term damage to other joints and muscles. Here’s what to look for, and what to avoid.

What to go for

A deformity may develop in the joints of your feet in arthritis, bending them out of shape and not easily fit into regular shoes. For a more comfortable and smoother movement, look for the right footwear and avoid further pain.

Wedges or low, flat heels with thick rubber soles may be the right choice for you. Ensure that the foot is at a natural angle inside the shoe so that it isn't twisted out of shape. Find the right height of sole for yourself. The rubber absorbs shocks and provides better stability. Make sure there is a comfortable amount of space inside the shoe for your foot, especially around the toes and heels.

Look for stability shoes. These prevent your foot from slipping forward while walking, also acting as shock absorbents. However, these shoes are a terrible choice for Osteoarthritis patients with knee joint problems, since it puts pressure on the knees, but it may work very well for people with ankle, hip, or foot joint problems.

If you have joint pains in your fingers and knuckles, look for shoes without laces, so that you don’t have to waste time painfully trying to tie the shoelaces or fasten them up. Shoes with softer material inside will help you avoid abrasions and ulcerations on your feet from rubbing and friction.

Several experts suggest going barefoot if that works best for you since it puts pressure off the knees. However, if walking barefoot is not an option for you, try flip flops, since these are the most light-weight types of shoes. Research finds the flexible, low flip-flops put the same load on your knees as being barefoot. Make sure the foot is free of unnecessary tightness or pressure, and that the shoe provides the proper arch support and comfort for you to move around more easily. More full style shoes are a good option. Try on different pairs and go for the option that is the most comfortable for you.

What to avoid

Experts suggest high heels being bad for the feet in general, and certainly a no-go for arthritic people. High heels put unnecessary pressure on the soles and the balls of the feet, developing bunions. High heels are the worst types of shoes you can wear, so it's important to make sure you don't wear them without occasion. Arthritis patients should completely avoid them.

Contradictable but notable, extremely low heels are not much better options. Any shoe that provides discomfort or pain to your feet is not good for you. Look for ones that take on the shape of your foot, rather than the foot is forced into the shape of the shoe. A suitably curved sole that absorbs shock and removes pressure from the sole and toes is the most suitable for you.

Avoid sandals which are too thin. If you are looking for sandals, find ones with more straps which you can adjust according to your feet and comfort.

Athletic shoes or boots are a good option, but make sure they are not too stiff for comfort.

In the end, it is essential to consult your doctor for advice on what the best options are for maximum comfort. Be kind to your ailing joints, try on as many options as possible and walk around in them before you choose. Invest in proper care for your feet, if something you wear hurts, it is not worth it. Look for comfort before price and style. Do what's best for you, and you'll see the results.

Shoes For Arthritis | Wide Fitting Shoes | Wide Fit Shoes (2024)


What shoes are good for arthritic feet? ›

For both women and men, experts like the fitted ankles of boots, which stay on without any help from toes. Look for chunky or wedged heels, soft uppers and adjustable laces and buckles for a customized fit. Just make sure straps don't compress painful areas. Avoid flat-soled boots without support or cushioning.

How do I know if I need wide width shoes? ›

Are you prone to foot swelling, or do you stand for long periods of time? If you run long distances or stand on your feet for long periods of time, your feet are likely to swell. If this has caused you to feel like your shoes are too tight, you can combat this feeling by choosing a wide shoe.

What happens if your shoes aren't wide enough? ›

Shoes that don't fit your feet will cramp more than just your style—they can cause long-lasting problems and foot disorders like bunions and hammer toes. Learning about the width of your feet and investing in wide shoes is a great way to support your foot health—immediately and long term.

Can I wear wide fit shoes with normal feet? ›

Yes, you can wear wide shoes even if you don't have wide feet. They provide extra room for your toes to move comfortably, reducing the risk of blisters and foot pain, but be careful about them being too wide, as that could lead to other problems. Footwear should always be comfy but also snug and supportive.

What sneakers are good for arthritis pain? ›

Our Top Shoes For Arthritis
  • Best Women's Sandal: Orthofeet Malibu Two Way Strap Sandal.
  • Best Color Options for Men and Women: Brooks Ghost 15.
  • Best Running Shoe for Both Men and Women: Hoka Clifton 8.
  • Best Women's Casual Shoe: Orthofeet Coral Stretch Knit.
  • Best Responsive Support for Both Men and Women: Asics Novablast 3.
Sep 19, 2023

What is the best thing for arthritis in your feet? ›

Non-surgical methods to treat foot and ankle arthritis include:
  • Weight control.
  • Custom-made shoes or orthotics.
  • Inserts that support the ankle and foot.
  • Bracing for joint support.
  • Using a cane or walker to take stress off the affected joint.
  • Physical therapy.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling in the joints.
Jan 31, 2019

What is the best shoe width for wide feet? ›

For women, a men's Medium (D) is considered a Wide width, while anything E or bigger is Extra Wide. For men, Wide typically starts at E and anything greater than 2E is considered Extra Wide. Not all brands will offer widths in every increment, and 2E/4E are the most common.

Do you size down for wide width shoes? ›

Should you size down in wide-fit shoes? If the shoe size width charts above suggest you should get a wide-fit shoe, then stick to your usual size. If your feet are only slightly wider, visit one of our stores and try on a size bigger – this might give you the extra room you need.

What is considered a wide foot for a woman? ›

A regular or medium foot width is a little less than half of your foot size in inches. For example, if you wear a size 7 shoe, then a regular foot width would be around 3.45 inches, whereas a wide size 7 foot would measure anywhere from 3.75 to 4.25 inches.

Is there a big difference between wide and regular shoes? ›

At only about ⅛ of an inch difference, the size of a wide shoe and a regular width shoe is not easily noticeable by the human eye. However, it's the difference between total comfort and constant pain. When it comes to giving your foot a bit more room, this tiny fraction can make all the difference in comfort.

What does D mean on shoe size? ›

The standard (medium) width for women is B, while the standard width for men is D. Shoe boxes and labels will only identify widths other than standard. Within the shoes, wide and narrow widths are identified on the label, underneath the tongue — ie. T005N(2E).

Who are wide shoes for? ›

Typically, a wide shoe will have more wiggle room around the toe box and forefoot. This extra room is very beneficial for individuals with the following conditions: Wider feet – The extra space accommodates the larger foot width, reducing pressure on sensitive areas and providing relief.

Should I go up half a shoe size if I have wide feet? ›

If you have wide feet, you should buy shoes a half size larger. This is because shoe width increases slightly as shoe length increases. A shoe that's half a size longer will often be a little bit wider. However, it's important to try on shoes before you buy them to make sure they fit comfortably.

Should you size up if you have wide feet? ›

A wider fit could only apply to one foot, not both. Some people with wide feet will buy a longer length shoe, essentially going up a size, but this does not solve the problem. Sizing up will provide extra width, but the shoe will slip around the heel or in the toe box, causing discomfort when you walk.

Do wide shoes help with foot pain? ›

In addition, wide toe boxes can help prevent painful foot conditions like blisters, calluses, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, and even sprains and fractures. “This added space can also reduce the pressure on your feet, making it more comfortable to walk or stand for extended periods,” Garcia explains.

What makes foot arthritis worse? ›

The most common triggers of an OA flare are overdoing an activity or trauma to the joint. Other triggers can include bone spurs, stress, repetitive motions, cold weather, a change in barometric pressure, an infection or weight gain.

Should you wear compression socks if you have arthritis in your feet? ›

“Fluid can build up in a joint affected by arthritis, which can cause swelling in the soft tissues surrounding the joint,” says Kristina Marie Quirolgico, MD, a physiatrist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. “Compression socks or stockings work by keeping the swelling down.”

Are barefoot shoes good for arthritic feet? ›

Some research shows that flexibility in shoes is important if you have foot or knee pain related to rheumatoid arthritis. A flat, flexible walking shoe that feels almost like you're barefoot may be better for many RA symptoms than so-called stability shoes.

What can a podiatrist do for arthritic feet? ›

They Can Recommend Treatment Options

Your podiatrist may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation and pain. They may also suggest other medications if your arthritis is more severe. For example, they may prescribe corticosteroids or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs).

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.