Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide (2024)


Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide

Last Updated: August 11th 2024

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11.0 - The War Within

Welcome to the Holy Paladin Mythic+ guide for World of Warcraft patch 11.0! Here, you find anything needed to maximize your gameplay. Let’s give you a brief glimpse of what you signed up for.

Playing a Holy Paladin in Mythic+ is full of fast paced rotation and quick decision making. You heal by using abilities like Holy Shock to build your main resource Holy Power and then use it on spenders like Word of Glory. As a Holy Paladin, you mostly react to damage and follow a simple triage healing rule while focusing mostly on strong spot healing. This playstyle and its utility makes Paladin one of the most desired healing specs in the game that fits into every comp.

In this patch, you get a chance to go back to an offensive melee based playstyle with very little casting that fits right into dungeons. With the removal of Glimmer of Light and a few other abilities, your button bloat has been finally fixed. To compensate for this your spec's core abilities like Holy Shock or Word of Glory have been significantly buffed which makes every GCD matter and worth pressing.

In the following sections, delve deeper into strategies to help you excel as a Holy Paladin in patch 11.0. Get ready to master this unique healing spec!


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide (1)Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide (2)

Holy PaladinMythic+

Overall Healing










  • Holy Paladin is a very good choice for Mythic+ due to it being able to respond to any type of damage.
  • Additionally, Holy Paladins bring good value to the group with their strong damage output thanks to Blessing of Summer and Consecration.
  • Furthermore, with their insane utility Holy Paladins have an answer to almost every mechanic which helps with your group's survivability and routing tremendously.
  • If that wasn't enough, Holy Paladins are also one of the tankiest healers overall with an option to immune mechanics thanks to Divine Shield.
  • The one area where Holy Paladins might lack a little is mobility. Most of the time Divine Steed is more than enough but if managed poorly it can feel clunky to move around.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin


When to use this Spec

This is the default loadout going into any dungeon. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the affix and dungeon combo. To make your life easier, Dungeon specific talent loadouts are available in the Dungeons section.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Beacon of Virtue or Beacon of Faith
    • Beacon of Virtue is the go-to talent by default due to the vast amount of bursty healing checks in current dungeon pool.
  • Holy Prism
    • This season Holy Prism performs very well thanks to the synergy with the current tier set bonus and Beacon of Virtue. It just helps with healing gaps when all big cooldowns are not available to get more healing inside the Virtue window.
  • Divine Favor
    • Divine Favor provides big chunky Holy Lights on every other Beacon of Virtue which helps a lot on fights that require AoE burst healing very frequently. It procs passively now on Holy Prism cast which is a nice quality of life change.
  • Awakening
    • Helps a lot with Avenging Wrath uptime throughout the dungeon. Should be used mostly with Divine Toll inside Beacon of Virtue window for more healing or for damage.
  • Holy Infusion
    • Currently, your spenders are really strong which makes this talent ideal thanks to the extra Holy Power that you get out of Crusader Strike.
  • Blessing of Summer
    • Going into new expansion Blessing of Summer got reworked so that it can be used either for extra healing or damage. In dungeons, you mostly use it on yourself during wings. It shines on fights where you have to heal a lot for the whole duration of the buff like Khajin the Unyielding in Halls of Infusion.
  • Empyrean Legacy
    • Another talent that makes your Beacon of Virtue windows stronger. Make sure to aim your character towards the group to hit them with Light of Dawn.

Class Tree

  • Sanctified Plates
    • A talent that makes Paladins super tanky even without a defensive cooldown up.
  • Divine Toll
    • The perfect ability to pair up with Beacon of Virtue. Provides a good chunk of burst healing on short cooldown and procs Rising Sunlight.
  • Quickened Invocation
    • There is nothing worse than missing a big cooldown by a few seconds and dying because of that. This talent allows you to use Divine Toll even more often if needed. Perfect solution for some fights.
  • Of Dusk and Dawn
    • Insanely strong talent overall that makes your already strong spenders even stronger thanks to the Blessing of Dawn buff. On top of that, it makes you tankier with Blessing of Dusk up.
  • Rebuke
    • A must have talent in dungeons. Having a short cooldown interrupt provided by a healer is a massive quality of life.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Tier Set

  • (2pc): Holy Shock crits heal for 80% more and reduce the cooldown of Light's Hammer by 2 second or Holy Prism by 1 second.
  • (4pc): Light's Hammer heals 100% more frequently and generates 1 Holy Power every 4 seconds, Holy Prism healing is increased by 40% and it generates 1 Holy Power if cast on an enemy target or 3 if cast on an ally.

These bonuses make Holy Prism way stronger and allows you to use it more often thanks to the extra cooldown reduction. Unfortunately Light's Hammer got removed so Holy Prism is your only ability that benefits from this tier set.

Priority List

In both of the following priority lists, the following rules apply:

  • DO NOT overcap Holy Power. Your spenders are really strong, even if there isn't much to heal you can always use Shield of the Righteous.
  • Cast Holy Shock as much as possible. It is the bread and butter of Holy Paladin.

For Healing

  1. Keep Consecration down to maintain Strength of Conviction.
  2. Cast Beacon of Virtue for Aoe healing if needed otherwise can skip it to save Mana.
  3. Spend Holy Power on Word of Glory if at 5 Holy Power. Light of Dawn is a very niche spender in dungeons.
  4. If Divine Favor is still up spend it on Holy Light with Infusion of Light.
  5. Cast Holy Prism on an enemy for Aoe healing or ally if more spot healing is required.
  6. CastHoly Shock.
  7. Cast Crusader Strike without overcapping Holy Power.
  8. Spend Infusion of Light on Flash of Light or Holy Light if needed and mana allows, otherwise spend it on Judgment.
  9. Spend Holy Power.
  10. Cast Judgment.
  11. Cast Hammer of Wrath if usable.

For Damage

  1. Keep Consecration down.
  2. If at 5 Holy Power cast Shield of the Righteous.
  3. Cast Holy Prism on an ally. Make sure to be at 2 or less Holy Power and instant follow it up with Shield of the Righteous to not over cap Holy Power.
  4. Cast Crusader Strike without overcapping Holy Power.
  5. Cast Hammer of Wrath if usable.
  6. Cast Holy Shock.
  7. Cast Judgment. Goes up to number 3 prio if Righteous Judgment talented and AoE situation.
  8. Cast Shield of the Righteous.


Avenging Wrath

  • An iconic paladin cooldown, if used on its own, it doesn't do much. However if paired with other smaller cooldowns, it makes Holy Paladin quite strong and bursty. That's why you normally use it with Divine Toll. What makes this cooldown really unique is its flexibility. If you don't need it for extra healing it is completely fine to use it for damage to speed up a dungeon run.

Divine Toll

  • Your main cooldown that should be used almost on CD because of how often it is available. Just like with Avenging Wrath you can use it for both damage and healing depending on the situation. It also procs Rising Sunlight which makes it even burstier.

Tyr's Deliverance

  • Going into TWW, Tyr's Deliverance has been nerfed significantly, making it a very weak cooldown that you only use to gain access to Relentless Inquisitor. Use it on cooldown whenever you anticipate incoming damage and then forget about it.

Aura Mastery

  • Mostly used with Devotion Aura to provide one of the raid-wide damage reduction cooldowns. It's not as strong as it used to be but can still be a game changer against some mechanics. Make sure to use it proactively before damage events happen; otherwise, it might be a waste of a global cooldown.

Deep dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Min maxing Beacon of Virtue

  • Beacon of Virtue is theoretically your strongest cooldown that can be further empowered by combining it with other cooldowns like Divine Toll and even Holy Prism. The combination of all these abilities together results in an ungodly amount of healing on beacon targets to get you through the hardest points of any fight.
  • Another thing that is worth mentioning is the fact that you can pre-cast spells and still have them transfer healing through your beacons. Simply precast Holy Light or Flash of Light followed by instant Beacon of Virtue. It's not game changing but provides some extra healing inside the virtue window.

Min maxing your Tier Set

  • There isn't much min-maxing that you can do with the current tier set except for its damage bonus. Make sure to press Holy Shock as often as possible to get extra cooldown reduction on Holy Prism.
  • When it comes to Holy Prism it's more flexible depending on the situation and that's where you can get some extra power out of it. Most of the time you use it to get some extra AoE healing by pressing it on an enemy and letting it spread to allies but if you wanna squeeze as much damage out of it as possible you'd use it on an ally even on pure single target fights just to get extra 3 Holy Power than can be used on another Shield of the Righteous. That's more damage on both AoE and single target thanks to Shining Righteousness talent.

Optimizing Blessing of Summer

  • To get the most out Blessing of Summer in dungeons you want to use it offensively on yourself when you know are popping all your output cooldowns for healing. This way you get very good amount of passive damage even while healing the group. It is pretty niche to use it defensively on a DPS but might be a consideration on a VERY hard pull in order to get through it.
  • Blessing of Autumn is best being used on a DPS that relies on short cooldowns to use them more often. You might also consider throwing it on yourself during a hard healing check fight in order to make your cooldowns cycle quicker.
  • Cast Blessing of Winter always on yourself in dungeons, not much to it.
  • You will mostly use Blessing of Spring on yourself to buff your healing but it's also worth noting that at times it is better to throw it on a tank.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

← Scroll for more Dungeons →

Algeth'ar Academy

Brackenhide Hollow

Halls of Infusion


Ruby Life Pools

The Azure Vault

The Nokhud Offensive

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Boss Tips


  • General Tips
    • Whenever no Mana Bomb is active, alwaysprioritize casting Cleanse on cooldown.
  • Output Cds
    • Use Beacon of Virtue together with Holy Prism on every Mana Bomb cast, while rotating your other big cooldowns.
  • Personal/External
    • Whenever you are targeted by a Mana Bomb, make sure that you rotate your defensives starting with Divine Protection into Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart etc. Try to save Divine Shield for a potential overlap of Mana Bomb and Arcane Fissure happening at the same time.
    • Do not hesitate to use Blessing of Sacrifice on others, just make sure to use it as soon as the Mana Bomb spawns to make the most use of it and watch for your health while its up.
    • Make sure to use Aura Mastery as external defensive here.

Overgrown Ancient

  • General Tips
    • Always prioritize dispelling your tank on CD!
  • Output Cds
    • Spread your CDs to counter the damage of Splinterbark. Use Beacon of Virtue on cooldown and make sure it is up as Burst Forth is happening to keep everyone topped and prevent potential one shot deaths.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to use Divine Protection for every Burst Forth cast. You can get rid of Splinterbark with Divine Shield if you are falling behind in healing.


  • Output Cds
    • Use Beacon of Virtue to top your group between AoEs. Apart from that you can use your cooldowns for damage and keep your tank up with normal healing rotation.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to use your‍Divine Protectionafter 2+ stacks and‍Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheartafter 3+ stacks of‍Sonic Vulnerability when Deafening Screech is happening. Use Divine Shield as a last resort if you cannot live with anything else.
    • Be ready to use Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice to mitigate damage from Savage Peck.

Echo of Doragosa

  • Output Cds
    • There is very little to heal on this boss so use your cooldowns for damage, unless something goes wrong.
  • Personal/External
    • Use one of your defensives every time you have Energy Bomb starting with Divine Protection. Use Blessing of Sacrifice if someone runs out of defensives vs Energy Bomb.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • The mobs in Crawths Area do not do group damage, so do not sit on your cooldowns and use them for damage instead.
  • Personal/External
    • When engaging in combat with Aggravated Skitterflys or Arcane Foragers, preemptively use defensive cooldowns. These enemies tend to jump around and attack random players, causing unexpected damage. By using your defensive abilities early, you can prevent an unlucky death if multiple enemies target you at the same time.
    • When you get hit by a Spectral Invoker Arcane Missiles you should use a strong defensive as well in case your Group runs out of stops!
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Mana Void or Mystic Blast. It will prevent a lot of damage and save you some healing globals.
    • Be ready to use Blessing of Protection if your tank needs to get rid of Severing Slash. Do not do it randomly, tank needs to cancelaura BOP instantly.

Boss Tips

Hackclaw's War-Band

  • General Tips
    • Always dispel your tank as the highest priority.
  • Output Cds
    • Cast Beacon of Virtue shortly before Gash Frenzy to quickly remove the dot through healing. Pair it up with Holy Prism or other big cooldowns if needed.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Divine Protection on every Gash Frenzy to reduce initial damage. If someone falls behind in defensives drop a Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice on them before mechanic happens.


  • Output Cds
    • Use your output cooldowns to maximize your damage, as this boss does no group damage.
  • Personal/External
    • There are no planned uses, so cast your abilities freely if things go wrong
    • Use Divine Shield after the initial cast of Grasping Vines is done if you are soaking it yourself.


  • Output Cds
    • Use your output cooldowns to maximize your damage, as this boss does no group damage.
  • Personal/External
    • There are no planned uses, so cast your abilities freely if things go wrong

Decatriach Wratheye

  • Output Cds
    • Use all your output cooldowns for damage on Rotburst Totem, as failing to kill these totems is the most common reason groups wipe.
  • Personal/External
    • Have Divine Protection active for Withered Eruption and rotate one of your bigger personals or defensive items in very high keys.
    • Use Blessing of Sacrifice on the tank for Decaystrike if needed.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Have your group use personal defensive abilities while fightingBonebolt Huntersif your output cooldowns are unavailable.
    • If your group is unable to stand on the avoid spots while fightingWilted Oaks, your party takes very heavy, nearly unhealable damage. Make sure to use your entire defensive spell book there, because the upcoming boss,Treemouth, does not require any of those.
    • When fighting any Vile Rothexer, your top priority is to immediately dispel the disease caused by Withering Contagion, as it results in a one-shot kill.
  • Personal/External
    • When you have a few stacks of Bleeding make sure to press at least one of your bigger defensives.
    • If multiple party members have Withering prioritize dispelling your highest DPS first. Use defensive abilities to mitigate the debuff on yourself, as it causes the least amount of time lost if you are affected.
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Vicious Clawmangle or Withering Burst. It prevents a lot of damage and saves you some healing globals.
    • Be ready to use Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice to help with too many stacks of Bleeding.

Boss Tips

Watcher Irideus

  • Output Cds
    • Always have Beacon of Virtue and one of your cooldowns ready for Static Surge.
  • Personal/External
    • Tell your group to use personal cooldowns for Static Surge at higher key levels, as no one survives this with just healing.
    • Rotate your defensives starting with Divine Protection on Static Surge.
    • Use Potion of Withering Dreams or Healthstone during this boss encounter if you don't have a defensive cooldown ready for Static Surge.
    • Outrun Power Overload zones with Divine Steed.

Gulping Goliath

  • Output Cds
    • Use cooldowns on Overpowering Croak. Beacon of Virtue with Holy Prism should be enough on Toxic Effluvia.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate Divine Protection with other personals on every Overpowering Croak, and communicate this with your group beforehand, as one personal might not be enough on the highest key levels.

Khajin the Unyielding

  • Output Cds
    • You want to spread all your healing cooldowns throughout this fight to ensure a constant stream of high HPS, as maintaining healing output is the biggest challenge during this encounter.
  • Personal/External
    • Your defensives should be used when dodging Glacial Surge or moving to hide from a Hailstorm.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams whenever your HP is low.

Primal Tsunami

  • Output Cds
    • Use your output cooldowns to maximize your damage. Beacon of Virtue with Holy Prism should be enough to top your group between Tempest's Fury casts.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate Divine Protection with other personals to survive one shot from Tempest's Fury.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams if you are not at 100% HP before Tempest's Fury cast.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Plan ahead for multiple sets of Deep Chill from the Glacial Proto-Dragons. If someone won't be able to remove it, you need to have an output cooldown ready to heal through the debuff.
  • Personal/External
    • Always press one of your personals when targeted by Containment Beam.
    • While fighting Shocktroopers, use a defensive cooldown when you lose health, as Lightning Blast might execute you.
  • Utility
    • Use Blessing of Freedom to remove Deep Chill from the Glacial Proto-Dragons.
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Expulse or Elemental Focus. It prevents a lot of damage and saves you some healing globals.

Boss Tips

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns when your group breaks its chains, as this is the deadliest moment of the encounter. Keep in mind that Beacon of Virtue is most likely over for the last few ticks on each set of chains!
  • Personal/External
    • If your group does not have a bleed removal for Dragon Strike, have someone tanky bait it, as it targets the furthest player. You can immune it with Blessing of Protection once.
    • You can use Divine Protection for every Grounding Spear. On higher key levels you might want to rotate extra defensive on top like Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart.
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive here.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns together with Beacon of Virtue when Might of the Forge happens to heal the massive initial damage and the subsequent Blazing Aegis DoT.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to have a defensive up as Might of the Forge is about to happen, as the initial hit might kill you.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams at any point during the boss encounter.
    • Make sure to use Aura Mastery as group defensive for Might of the Forge.


  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns with Beacon of Virtue when Magma Eruption happens. Subsequent DoTs get longer every time they get applied, make sure to spread your cooldowns to have full DoT coverage.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensive arsenal to survive the lethal initial hit ofMagma Eruption.
    • Save Divine Shield for overlap of Magma Eruption + Lava Spray.

Warlord Sargha

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns when the boss is about to cast Magma Shield. Otherwise, use them for damage.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensives when targeted with Molten Gold.
    • Use Blessing of Sacrifice on a Molten Gold target when Magma Shield occurs, as these effects create a deadly overlap.
    • Use Aura Mastery as external on Molten Gold targets.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • When fighting Apex Blazewings, plan ahead and have one of your output cooldowns ready for Candescent Tempest. If you don’t have a cooldown available, ask for personals from your team.
  • Personal/External
    • When you get the bleed of Bold Ambush while fighting Qalashi Hunters make sure to rotate through your defensive arsenal.
    • When a Qalashi Blacksmith is casting Forgestomp, and you are not topped off or are simultaneously fighting mobs that do group damage, use a defensive cooldown.
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Magma Conflagration or Melt. It prevents a lot of damage and saves you some healing globals.
    • Be ready to use Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice to mitigate the damage of Bold Ambush.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • General Tips
    • Always cast Cleanse or Blessing of Freedom on your Tank when he has multiple stacks of Primal Chill. The stacks must never reach 10.
  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to rotate Beacon of Virtue + Holy Prism or Divine Toll for each Chillstorm.
    • Use Beacon of Virtue during Frost Overload as well.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensive arsenal for every Chillstorm, regardless of whether you are the target or not. On higher key levels, you also need to use a defensive during the intermission.
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive here.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams if you are not at full health before a Chillstorm explodes.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to rotate Beacon of Virtue + Holy Prism or Divine Toll for each Inferno.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate Divine Protection and your on-use defensive items to survive the lethal initial hit of Inferno.
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive here.
    • Your tank might need Blessing of Sacrifice for Searing Blows, which is one of the most challenging tank mechanics this season. This is especially important if your group lacks an Evoker for bleed removal or if your tank is not a Dwarf.

Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

  • Output Cds
    • In Phase 1, use your cooldowns mostly for damage but make sure to have them ready for the start of Phase 2!
    • In Phase 2, make sure to rotate Beacon of Virtue + Holy Prism or Divine Toll on each set of Flamespit, as it now affects multiple people.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives whenever you are targeted by Flamespit.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams when there is a potential overlap of Interrupting Cloudburst and Flamespit.
    • Make sure to use Aura Mastery as a group defensive in Phase 2.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Plan ahead for each Blazebound Destroyer in the area before the second boss, as you need a cooldown for each Inferno cast.
    • When fighting Flamegullet, make sure to use your cooldowns after it hits 50% HP because Molten Blood starts dealing damage at that point.
  • Personal/External
    • When fightingThunderhead, always dispel Rolling Thunder immediately. The explosion damage can easily be mitigated by defensives, but the DoT from the debuff is lethal.
    • While fighting a Tempest Channeler or High Channeler Ryvati in the third boss area, make sure to rotate your cooldowns for every Lightning Storm cast.
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Tectonic Slam or Flame Dance. It prevents a lot of damage and saves you some healing globals.

Boss Tips


  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to use Beacon of Virtue together with other cooldowns when Explosive Brand expires to quickly top off your group so they are prepared for the incoming Consuming Stomp.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives for every Consuming Stomp.
    • Make sure to use Aura Mastery as group defensives here.
    • If a tree or 2 doesn't get destroyed by Consuming Stomp, make sure to additionally use Divine Shield, as other defensives alone won't prevent death.


  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to have Beacon of Virtue + Divine Toll ready for the start of the intermission, as constant high HPS is needed for an extended period of time there.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensive abilities during the intermission, as your HPS alone isn't enough to keep the group alive.

Telash Greywing

  • Output Cds
    • Use Beacon of Virtue on each Frost Bomb as you need to top off your group quickly afterwards.
    • You can useLay on Hands or Blessing of Sacrifice on someone targeted by Icy Devastator if needed.
  • Personal/External
    • Use a personal defensive every time you are targeted by Icy Devastator.
    • Have a big defensive up when Absolute Zero is happening. This mechanic does the most of damage during this fight.
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive here.


  • Output Cds
    • Ensure you have Beacon of Virtue and Divine Toll ready whenever a Hardened Crystal is active.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through all defensives, while a Hardened Crystal is active.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams when a Hardened Crystal is active.
    • Make sure to useAura Mastery as group defensive here.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • In this dungeon, Drakonid Breakers are the only trash mobs that deal group damage if everything goes right. Make sure to have your cooldowns ready for them.
  • Personal/External
    • When targeted by Shoulder Slam that overlaps with Bestial Roar right after you must use a defensive ability.
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Icy Bindings or Mystic Vapors. It will prevent a lot of damage and save you some healing globals.
    • If Mystic Vapors goes through don't hesitate to dispel someone else and immune it yourself with Divine Shield.
    • You can immune Crystalline Rupture with Blessing of Freedom. Use it on a tank or anyone in melee before the mechanic goes off.

Boss Tips


  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns for damage. Beacon of Virtue should be enough to top your group off between Shards of Stone casts.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensive cooldowns to survive Shards of Stone. It has approximately a 30-second cooldown, you need to make use of your entire defensive arsenal.

The Raging Tempest

  • Output Cds
    • Use Beacon of Virtue to top your group from Lightning Strike. Save Divine Toll for when Electrical Storm is happening. It does a lethal amount of damage.
  • Personal/External
    • You should be able to survive Lightning Strike without any personal cooldown till very high keys.
    • Make sure to have a personal cooldown active during Electrical Storm.
    • Use Aura Mastery as a group defensive for Electrical Storm.

Teera and Maruuk

  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to use Beacon of Virtue with Divine Toll to top people off after Gale Arrow, as Teera rapidly starts to use Quick Shot again!
  • Personal/External
    • Use one of your defensives every timeGale Arrow happens.
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive for Gale Arrow.
    • Be aware of getting hit by Quick Shot back to back. Use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams to recover.

Balakar Khan

  • General Tips
    • In phase 2, always make dispelling Conductive Strike from your tank your highest priority.
  • Output Cds
    • In Phase 1, use your cooldowns for damage, but make sure to have them ready for the start of the intermission.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams during the intermission.
    • In Phase 2, again use your cooldowns mostly for damage. Beacon of Virtue carries group healing.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive for Crackling Upheaval or during intermission
    • When you are targeted by Iron Spear, make sure to use a defensive.
    • In Phase 3, rotate your defensives on Crackling Upheaval.
    • When targeted by Static Spear in Phase 2, make sure to use a big defensive like Divine Shield, as this mechanic is likely to kill you. If you get targeted multiple times, you need to be combat resurrected.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Use your output cooldowns when fightingNokhud WarspearsandLongbowsin Granyth's area, as they deal significant group damage.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives without hesitation while fightingNokhud WarspearsandLongbows, as it is very easy to be overwhelmed by their attacks.
    • Use Divine Protection or one of your defensive items when targeted by Chain Lightning from a Primalist Thunderbeast.
    • When Totemic Overload is happening and you are not at 100% HP, use a defensive without hesitation.
    • If you are not at full health when Shatter Soul occurs, use a defensive ability immediately.
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Tempest or Rotting Wind. It prevents a lot of damage and saves you some healing globals.
    • Be ready to use Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice to mitigate too many stacks of Pierce or Swift Stab.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns mostly for damage, Beacon of Virtue should carry the longboat raid.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through defensives when targeted by Ricocheting Shield. You can immune it with Blessing of Protection if needed.


  • Output Cds
    • UseBeacon of Virtue together with Divine Toll or other cooldowns for each Quaking Totem.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives whenever a Quaking Totem is active, as it is the highest damage event during this encounter.
    • Make sure to use Aura Mastery when you are weak to mitigate some of Quaking Totem damage.
    • You can Blessing of Protection one of the squishy allies to prevent extra damage from Leapers.

Sentinel Talondras.

  • Output Cds
    • Quickly top your group off from Crushing Stomp damage with Beacon of Virtue.
    • Focus on spot healing players with Earthen Shards to make sure they are topped before Crushing Stomp.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your entire defensive arsenal whenever you are targeted by Earthen Shards.
    • Use Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Sacrifice to prevent one shots from the overlap of Earthen Shards with Crushing Stomp.
    • Use Aura Mastery here as an external on Earthen Shards targets.


  • Output Cds
    • In Phase 1, you can use your cooldowns mostly for damage, but make sure you have them back for the intermissions.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensives when Unstable Embers happens, as the explosion is lethal.
    • Use Aura Mastery here as group defensive on Unstable Embers.

Chrono-Lord Deios

  • Output Cds
    • This fight has very high HPS requirements, so you need to focus on rotating your cooldowns only for healing. You can cover every Wing Buffet with Beacon of Virtue.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives for every single Wing Buffet as this kills you on higher keys.
    • Use Aura Mastery as group defensive for Wing Buffet.
    • Dispel Time Sink off a different member and use Blessing of Freedom to get rid of it from yourself.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Runic Protectorsdeal intense group damage when they channel Earthquake, have at least one of your cooldowns ready for this.
    • When fighting Infinite Timereavers, make sure to not be overwhelmed by the stacking damage, and save a cooldown for when the stacks are high.
  • Personal/External
    • When fightingLeapers, use a personal defensive preemptively, as their Ambush does a lot of damage if stacked with others.
    • When fighting Earthen Weavers, if their Hail of Stone gets to channel, do not hesitate to use a defensive.
    • When fighting Runic Protectors and they channel Earthquake make sure to rotate through your defensives.
  • Utility
    • Help with mob control by proactively using Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light and Rebuke. There are a lot of dangerous casts to be stopped like Hail of Stone or Spiked Carapace. It prevents a lot of damage and saves you some healing globals.
    • Be ready to use Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice to help squishy cloth classes with Runic Protector's Earthquake.


Learn how to effectively handle various Affixes as a Holy Paladin in Mythic+. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon, you contend with up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Entangling
    • Blessing of Freedom
      • Blessing of Freedom removes all snares, you have this for every single Entanglement.
  • Incorporeal
    • Turn Evil
      • Make sure to not overlap your Turn Evil with other CC in case of 2 mobs spawning as Turn Evil has a cooldown.
  • Afflicted
    • Cleanse
      • Make sure to always spec Improved Cleanse during that week.
  • Spiteful
    • Hammer of Justice orBlessing of Protection
      • You can spec into Fist of Justice to help with annoying spite more often instead of running from it.
  • Bursting
    • Beacon of Virtue Divine Shield
      • Make sure to always dispel someone with Cleanse and have Beacon of Virtue up while trying to out heal bursting stacks. Use Divine Shield vs lots of stacks that aren`t healable.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Holy Paladin For more detailed information, visit theStats and Attributesguide.

The conclusion here is that you want to equip the highest item level generally.

Blizzard introduced Stat DRs that you need to be aware of. To get to know what those are and why you have to care about them click here to get to our detailed stat DR resource post!


  • Avoidance - Reduces damage taken from AoE effects.
  • Leech - Returns a portion of your damage and healing done as healing to you. (Excludes self healing)
  • Speed - increases movement speed. (Does stack with other movement speed abilities)

The only time you should think about picking a lower item level is if it has Leech or Avoidance. Speed is nice to have, but you should generally ignore that stat.

Here is a showcase of how powerful Leech is for a Healer:

Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide (3)


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Best in Slot

Farmable Alternatives

Due to the way stat weights work for Holy Paladin, there isn't a strict best-in-slot list. Although it is theoretically possible to obtain items with all the correct Tertiaries, doing so requires extraordinary luck or several human lifespans because of the weekly reset system in World of Warcraft.

HeadHeartfire Sentinel's ForgehelmCatalyst
NeckElemental LariatCrafting
ShoulderHeartfire Sentinel's SteelwingsCatalyst
CloakCloak of Lost DevotionThe Azure Vault
ChestCarapace of the Unbending FlameCatalyst
WristAllied Wristguard of CompanionshipCrafting
GlovesHeartfire Sentinel's ProtectorsCatalyst
BeltPhlegethic GirdleLarodar
LegsHeartfire Sentinel's FauldsCatalyst
BootsLavaforged SolleretsVolcoross
Ring 1Signet of the Last ElderIgira the Cruel
Ring 2Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
WeaponVakash, the Shadowed InfernoFyrakk
Off-HandDefender of the AncientGnarlroot
Trinket 1Ominous Chromatic EssenceForgotten Experiments
Trinket 2Fyrakk's Tainted RageheartFyrakk

Authors Note:

This list shows the best items for healing in dungeons from all sources. Keep in mind that getting different tier pieces with Leech / Avoidance changes which off-piece is best for you. Likewise, any other non-trinket item with Leech / Avoidance replaces the one suggested here.

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadOld Seafarer's HeadpieceUldaman
NeckTuskarr Bone NecklaceBrackenhide
ShoulderPauldrons of Immutable TruthUldaman
CloakCloak of Lost DevotionAzure Vault
ChestBreastplate of Proven KnowledgeAcademy
WristExcavated Earthen WristslabsUldaman
GlovesForgemaster's GripsNeltharus
BeltTrapmaster's Utility BeltBrackenhide
LegsVenerated Professor's GreavesAcademy
BootsPristine Magma StompersNeltharus
Ring 1Unstable Arcane LoopAzure Vault
Ring 2Thunderous Downburst RingNokhud Offensive
Trinket 1Tome of Unstable PowerAzure Vault
Trinket 2Miniature Singing StoneNokhud Offensive
Two-Hand WeaponAncestral StoneshaperBrackenhide
One-Hand WeaponTz'onna, Fear-StrikerAzure Vault
Off-HandCrystalized BulwarkAzure Vault

Situational Items

  • Choker of Shielding
    • Grants you an extra personal cooldown to counter some one shot mechanics.


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  1. Belor'relos, the Suncaller
    • Large on demand damage, good in dungeons like Brackenhide hollow
  2. Ward of Faceless Ire
    • An external absorb shield, this might become necessary in higher keys depending on the group composition you are using.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  1. Tome of Unstable Power
    • Use this when you feel like you don't need more healing to do extra damage.
  2. Screaming Black Dragonscale
    • Strong stat stick, equip this if your group doesn't have any other Ominous Chromatic Essence wearers.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Best in Slot

  • Elemental Lariat
    • Strong Stat Stick: Duration scales with equipped sockets.
  • Allied Wristguard of Companionship
    • Strong Stat Stick: Buffs you based on the number of allies within 30 yards up to 4.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level therefor it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFrozen Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Versatility
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Versatility
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Sophic Devotion

If you reach 20% avoidance make sure to swap avoidance for leech enchants: Enchant Cloak - Regenerative Leech and Enchant Bracer - Devotion of Leech


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin


  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage - --- Generally the best
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility --- For more survivability/safety
  • Phial of Icy Preservation --- To survive one shots if your gear is not enough


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power -- Generally the best
  • Potion of Shocking Disclosure -- AoE damage potion
  • Aerated Mana Potion -- When stuff goes wrong

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- Big Burst of healing, but leaves a dot behind.
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- Less healing upfront but an additional small heal overtime.

Weapon Rune

  • Buzzing Rune--- Default
  • Howling Rune --- If you have enough crit

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Energized Malygite
  • Resplendent Illimited Diamond --- Unique, made by work order
  • You should generally have enough crit/haste from gear that will allow you to gem/enchant into versatility.


For min-maxing a Holy Paladin in Mythic+ Dungeons, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Removes all magic, bleed, poison, and disease effects and reduces physical damage taken
    • Use-cases:
      • Bursting stacks.
      • Splinterbark on Overgrown Ancient (Algeth'ar Academy).
      • Deep Chill from Glacial Proto-Dragons (Halls of Infusion).
      • Withering from Fetid Rotsingers and Brackenhide Shapers (Brackenhide Hollow).
      • Earthen Shards from Sentinel Talondras (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Stolen Time from Infinite Timereavers (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Dragon Strike from Chargath (Neltharus).
      • Bold Ambush from Qalashi Hunters (Neltharus).


It is highly recommended you play a Dwarf this season! The higher the keys you run, the more essential Stoneform becomes in certain dungeons, such as Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr and others.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Discover recommended macros for Holy Paladin during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Mouseover Macros

All spells in this Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide are available as mouseover macros for your convenience!

Holy Shock

#showtooltip/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Holy Shock; [harm] Holy Shock ; Holy shock

Flash of Light

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Flash of Light ; Flash of Light

Holy Light

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Holy Light ; Holy Light

Word of Glory

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Word of Glory ; Word of Glory

Blessing of Protection

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Blessing of Protection ; Blessing of Protection

Blessing of Freedom

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Blessing of Freedom ; Blessing of Freedom

Blessing of Sacrifice

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Blessing of Sacrifice ; Blessing of Sacrifice

Lay on Hands

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Lay on Hands ; Lay on Hands


/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Cleanse ; Cleanse

Holy Prism

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Holy Prism; [harm] Holy Prism ; Holy Prism

Divine Toll

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Divine Toll; [harm] Divine Toll ; Divine Toll


/cast [@mouseover,help] Intercession 


/cast [@mouseover,help] Redemption

Beacon of Virtue

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Beacon of Virtue ; Beacon of Virtue

Beacon of Light

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Beacon of Light ; Beacon of Light

Beacon of Faith

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Beacon of Faith ; Beacon of Faith

Recommended Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Holy Paladin, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ Dungeons to make your life easier.

Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide (4)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Holy Paladin

Q: Why do I keep dying?

Q: Why do I keep running out of mana?


Written By: Thaner

Reviewed By: Rycn

Holy Paladin Mythic+ Guide (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.