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1Making Borax-Free Butter Slime
2Making Borax Butter Slime
3Creating Clay-Free Butter Slime
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Co-authored bywikiHow Staff
Last Updated: February 8, 2023Tested
Butter slime has a similar smooth and glistening texture similar to butter. Choose a recipe that you have all the ingredients for, measure them into a bowl, and then stir the mixture until it has slimy texture. Make traditional butter slime with yellow food coloring or mix it up by using a different color. Each of these recipes is quick and easy to make. Enjoy exploring the soft and stretchy properties of your slime!
Borax-Free Butter Slime
- 3 tablespoons (44mL) of white craft glue
- 3 tablespoons (44mL) of shaving foam
- ⅛ tsp (0.5 grams) of baking soda
- 2 tablespoons (30mL) of contact lens solution
- ¼ cup (100 grams) of light-weight air dry clay
- 0.25 teaspoons (1.2mL) of yellow food colouring
Borax Butter Slime
- 0.5 cups (120ml) of white PVA glue
- ½ cup (91 grams) of borax
- ¼ cup (100 grams) of modelling clay
Clay-Free Butter Slime
- ¾ cup (95 grams) of cornstarch
- 0.75 cups (180ml) of shampoo
- 1 teaspoon (4.9mL) of baby oil
- 0.25 teaspoons (1.2mL) of yellow food colouring
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:
Making Borax-Free Butter Slime
Mix all the ingredients into a bowl. Measure 3 tablespoons (44mL) of white craft glue, 3 tablespoons (44mL) of shaving foam, ⅛ tsp (0.5 grams) of baking soda, and 2 tablespoons (30mL) of contact lens solution into a bowl. Use a spatula to mix the ingredients together until they are fully combined and form a ball shape.[1]
- Make sure to use shaving foam instead of shaving gel, as the foam gives the slime a fluffy texture.
- Purchase contact lens solution from a pharmacy.
Place the clay and food coloring on top of the ball of slime. Take a ¼ cup (100 grams) of light-weight air dry clay and place it on the slime. Measure 0.25 teaspoons (1.2mL) of yellow food coloring and pour it on top of the clay.[2]
- If you don’t have yellow food coloring, use yellow dye instead.
- Purchase air dry clay from a craft store.
Knead the ingredients together with your hands. Push all the ingredients down in the bowl to flatten them. Then, fold the slime in half and flatten it again. Continue to repeat this kneading process until all of the ingredients are combined and the slime is an even color.[3]
- Wash your hands after you have mixed the slime, as food coloring tends to temporarily dye your hands.
- To change the color of the slime, simply use a different colored dye.
- Store your freshly made slime in an airtight container to keep it stretchy.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:
Making Borax Butter Slime
Stir the PVA glue and borax in a bowl. Measure 0.5 cups (120ml) of white PVA glue and ½ cup (91 grams) of borax into a bowl. Stir the glue and borax together until they form a smooth paste.[4]
- Purchase borax from a hardware, cleaning, or home supplies store.
- In some countries, PVA glue is called liquid craft clue.
Add the modelling clay to the bowl. Place ¼ cup (100 grams) of modelling clay on top of the slime solution. Choose a modelling clay that is the desired colour of your slime, as this will colour the mixture.[5]
- Avoid using multi-color clay, unless you are happy for the colors to get mixed together in the slime.
- Purchase modelling clay online or from a craft store.
Mix the ingredients with your hands until they form a ball. Squish the ingredients together with your hands until the clay is completely dispersed in the slime. If you’re having trouble mixing the slime, try kneading it on a clean surface, such as a bench, as this gives you more space to mix it.[6]
- Store your slime in an airtight container to keep it fresh.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:
Creating Clay-Free Butter Slime
Measure the cornstarch and shampoo into a bowl. Add ¾ cup (95 grams) of cornstarch and 0.75 cups (180ml) of shampoo into a bowl. This makes about 1 large handful of slime. If you want a larger quantity of slime, simply double the recipe.[7]
- In some countries cornstarch is called cornflour.
- If the slime seems too thin, add more cornstarch until it reaches your desired consistency.
Stir the ingredients until they reach a paste consistency. Use a spoon or a spatula to gently mix the cornflour and shampoo together. Avoid vigorously mixing the ingredients, as this can cause the shampoo to bubble which can make the slime less fluffy.[8]
Mix baby oil and yellow food coloring into the slime. The baby oil gives the slime a glossy sheen and the yellow food coloring makes it look like butter. Mix in 1 teaspoon (4.9mL) of baby oil and 0.25 teaspoons (1.2mL) of yellow food coloring until the slime is an even colour and texture.[9]
- If you don’t have baby oil, use baby lotion instead.
- Place your slime in an airtight container when you aren’t using it. This will help it to stay soft and stretchy.
Community Q&A
Is there a substitute for cornstarch?
Community Answer
Yes, you can use flour, and mix in a little bit more salt than you would if you were using cornstarch.
If my butter slime turns hard and lotion doesn't work ,what should I do?
Alice Chan
Community Answer
You can try adding 2 or 3 tsp of water and microwave it for one minute and mix. Repeat it for several times if you want it softer.
What if my slime is too sticky?
Community Answer
Activate it more by adding Borax or laundry detergent.
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 133,775 times.
28 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 30
Updated: February 8, 2023
Categories: Putty Dough and Slime
Article SummaryX
To make butter slime, dissolve 1 teaspoon of borax into 1 cup (240 milliliters) of hot water. In a separate bowl, mix together 4 ounces (110 grams) of glue, 8-9 pumps of foaming soap, 2-4 pumps of lotion, and 1/2 a cup (120 milliliters) of shaving cream. Add 1 teaspoon of the borax solution at a time to the glue solution until you get the desired consistency. See how much slime you have, then knead an equal amount of cornstarch into it. Lastly, knead 2 tablespoons of modeling clay into the slime and enjoy!
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