1. 케이성형외과
1차 수술의 실패원인을 정밀 분석하여 안전한 수술 진행. 최선의 ... 대표자: 오승현,박상민사업자등록번호: 519-26-01236. Copyright (c) 2022 K - PLASTIC SURGERY.
2. 오승현 원장 성형외과 Dr. O Seung Hyeon - 성예사
오승현. Dr. O Seung Hyeon. 성형외과 전문의 , Plastic surgery. 대표원장. 케이성형외과의원. 서울 강남구 논현로 868 구정빌딩 2층. 의사면허취득일. 2010-03-15.
오승현O Seung Hyeon성형외과 전문의대학의사협회 정회원 대한성형외과학회 정회원 대한미용성형외과학회 정회원 대한두개악안면성형외과 정회원 대한성형외과의사회 회원
3. Healing Through Plastic Surgery - 오체안성형외과 신사점
Bevat niet: 오승현 | Resultaten tonen met:오승현
OZHEAN Plastic Surgery stands apart from other cosmetic surgery clinics in Korea, which might be familiar to foreign patients. We believe the true value of plastic surgery lies not in achieving mere aesthetic beauty, but in restoring a healthy appearance. Over the years, many international patients have undergone procedures like Nevus (mole) removal and benign tumor surgeries(including steatocystoma cysts, epidermal cysts, and lipomas) at our clinic. OZHEAN Plastic Surgery offers a “One-Day Solution” that combines consultation and surgery in a single visit to improve efficiency and minimize discomfort.
4. Yüz Estetiği - Dr. Osman Şenel
Bevat niet: 오승현 | Resultaten tonen met:오승현
5. Giant Eccrine Hidradenoma Mimicking a Malignant Tumor of the Salivary ...
오승현, 김정훈 and 황유나. 2014, "Giant Eccrine Hidradenoma Mimicking a Malignant Tumor of the Salivary Gland", Archives of Plastic Surgery, vol.41, no.4 pp ...
Giant Eccrine Hidradenoma Mimicking a Malignant Tumor of the Salivary Gland -
6. The effects of curcumin on the fibrous envelope surrounding silicone ...
오승현 (K-Plastic Surgery, Seoul, Korea); Chung Hun Kim (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University). 표지.
이장원, 정성흠, 오승현, Chung Hun Kim | Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | 2023.7
7. Facelift - Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli
Bevat niet: 오승현 | Resultaten tonen met:오승현
Dr. Cengizhan Ekizceli’s facelift surgery restores youthful facial contours by reducing sagging and wrinkles, offering long-lasting and natural-looking results.
8. Analysis of Stromal Vascular Fraction from Lipoaspirates: Our Institute's ...
28 feb 2013 · The two most commonly used methods are surgical resection of fat tissue and liposuction, which are different types of body contouring plastic ...
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